Monday, October 25, 2010

Not So Much To Say

I had a lot to say earlier today.   But now that I have 10 minutes of peace and quiet to myself the words won't come.  This afternoon I thought about how much I love photography.  How I've felt this way for such a long time.  I have a big box full of Life magazines and I need to find a replacement.  I'd like to find a magazine that puts such an emphasis on the pictures and how they sometimes tell the story more deeply than words can.  A picture is worth a thousand words, after all.  I browsed through my stack looking for the name Joe McNally, a staff photographer for the magazine.   He'll be here in Atlanta teaching a seminar next week and I was wanting to go but I'm feeling a little out of my league now.  I don't want to waste a hundred dollars and my day drowning in information that I'm not ready for either.  But how else do I become a great photographer unless I learn from great photographers?   Experience.  Trial and error.  That's how.   And I'm getting better.  My photos are better than they were 10 years ago, 2 years ago, 2 months ago.  I'm understanding more and trying to apply what I'm learning.   

I had some thoughts about being a mom, about being the kind of mom that I am, and how I want to get better at that also but that's about a million and one things I don't want to go into today.  I think I'll just post some pics from this weekend instead.

He's getting so big.  He has a research project due Wednesday about Henry Hudson.  I sure hope he remembers to bring home what he needs tomorrow.  I'm learning as much as he his.  Do you know what an archipelago is?

This little beauty won't let me take her picture at all lately.  She runs away and she hides her face with her hands or a piece of paper and I can't capture her gorgeous hazel eyes.  But nothing's stopping me from taking pictures of her adorable little pony tail.

 I made Parker change clothes so I could take his "birthday pictures".  I told him that one day he was going to want to know what he looked like at eight years old.  It was the only way to get him to cooperate.
That and a little threatening.

And this is where I found my baby today.  Curled up in the folded laundry piles on my bed.  I think I need to start making him take a nap in the afternoon again.  He falls asleep between 3:00 and 4:00 almost every day lately.

 And the long-eared galoot would like a nap, too.