Saturday, December 19, 2009

My! My!

What a busy, busy three days! I fretted. I searched. To no avail. I rushed. I tried to relax. I let some things go. I had some 'splainin' to do. I had an apology to give. I finally did a little Christmas shopping. No, I'm not done. And, yes, Christmas is a mere 5 days away. I laughed. I enjoyed the company of friends. I enjoyed a visit from my dad. I cooked. I cleaned. I threw things in the closet. I ate a lot of goodies. Mmmm...English toffee....Thanks, Rick. I took a Korean address to my 87 year old aunt - because she can't hear the phone ring and certainly wouldn't be able to hear me spelling out every. single. word. She wasn't home. I checked in on my grandparents. XOXOXOXO! I put together 15 Christmas goody bags for our Kindergarteners. I forgot things. I lost things. I scolded. I hugged. I kissed. I went to sleep.

Good night, all.



Joyce said...

Sounds productive! I still have a little bit of shopping to do but thank goodness my daughters are home...they are helping with the baking and wrapping and I'm finally feeling like I'm catching up. My family arrives Thursday so all must be done and oh yeah, we're in NY Monday/Tuesday...lots of fun but nothing will happen at home. We're snowed in today so just gonna enjoy. Merry Christmas!

Charity said...

The funniest thing happened the other day, I was driving down the road and saw your free durt sign. I cracked up. Who would guess something you see on a blog is just a few miles from your house. I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas.